Importing PDF



Import PDF

File > Import

The Import PDF command allows a PDF file to be imported into a Vectorworks file, where each PDF page becomes an independent PDF Page object that can be incorporated into the drawing. Create a reference to the original PDF file, if the original file may change, and you want to keep the imported pages up to date.

To import a PDF file:

Select the command.

Alternatively, click the file to import and drag it into an open Vectorworks file.

Select the PDF file to be imported.

The Import PDF dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Import Range

Specifies which portion of the PDF file to import


Imports the specified range of pages from the PDF file

All Pages

Imports all pages in the PDF file


References the original PDF file (master file), so that the imported PDF pages can be updated when the master file changes. See Workgroups and referencing for more information.

Absolute path

Stores the absolute file path of the master file. Select this option when the location of the master file will not change in the future, or if the master file is on another volume.

Path relative to current document

Stores the file path of the master file relative to the target Vectorworks file; this option is available only if the master file is on the same volume as the Vectorworks file. Select this option if the target file and the master file may be moved to another volume in the future.

If you’re using server-based project sharing, and the master file is not on the same volume as the Project Sharing Server, you’ll be prompted to upload the file to the server’s project folder.

Save referenced cache to disk

Saves copies of the referenced PDF pages in the target Vectorworks file; if deselected, the target file is smaller, and the PDF pages are automatically updated when the target file is opened

Automatically update reference during file open

Updates the PDF pages from the master file each time this target file is opened, if the PDF pages are out of date

PDF Settings


Snap to Geometry

If the PDF originated from an application that creates vector graphics, creates snappable geometry on import (see Dibujo con ajuste del acoplamiento); this setting can be toggled in the Object Info palette.

If the PDF and drawing file are not the same scale, Scaling an imported PDF object may be needed before snapping the geometry to drawing objects.

Show Annotations

Displays annotations to the PDF object, if there are any, in the imported PDF Page object; this setting can be toggled in the Object Info palette

Each PDF file page becomes a separate PDF page or referenced PDF page in the Vectorworks file.

A referenced PDF file can be opened with the default application associated with this file type. To open a referenced PDF file, use one of the following methods:

Right-click the referenced PDF page in the drawing area, and select Open.

Right-click the referenced PDF file in the Navigation palette, and select Open.

Select the referenced PDF file in the Navigation palette, and select Open from the Utility menu.

Edición de objetos de archivos PDF importados


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